Restarting your business in a post Covid-19 world as we come out of lockdown required a proactive approach.

While many businesses will just reopen their doors and hope for the best, this strategy lacks positivity and focus.

covid kickstart

For many thousands of smaller businesses, it is critical that they seize the nettle and develop a forward thinking strategy to get back to where they were and then progress forwards with a bigger, better, more profitable business than they had before.

These things don’t happen by accident however. The proactive business owners with vision and courage are the ones that will thrive as we get back to our new ‘normal’.

It is highly probable that the trading environment will be harder than it was for a while and during lockdown many people were forced to change their buying habits.

As a business owner, your challenge is to encourage theose people to change their habits back to your company again.

This isn’t a time for profiteering, this isn’t a time for hoping for the best.

With strategic planning you can take control of your own destiny and that of your business and employees.

How To make Your Website Work For You

Websites need to be trained before they will work for you.

There are 3 main steps;

  1. Optimize content and site structure so it ticks all Googles requirements to rank well in search
  2. Build Brand trust and authority score with high quality backlinks from relevant, quality content
  3. Optimise sales funnel to convert visitors into sales & enquiries

1. Provide Quality Content

Google loves good quality, unique content, well presented, on a fast loading, mobile friendly website. We can optimise your site for you if it isn’t currently fit to rank…… request a website health audit here

2. Build Brand Authority Online

Your Brand matters. Google ranks the sites that it trusts the most highest, so we need to increase the trust and authority metrics your site currently possesses.

Quality backlinks pass trust, authority and relevance metrics to your site pages. The more trust and authority you have, the higher you will rank for more search terms…..

For a backlink to provide a benefit to you, it must have several important characteristics. 14 characteristics to be precise… see our backlink criteria here. Our backlinks are not the cheapest, but they are the best you will find offering the best bang for your buck.

Most cheap backlinks are cheap for a reason. They don’t work, won’t help your rankings and in many instances will actually harm your rankings instead.

Quality begets quality & if you want to dominate Google, you need our back-links pointing at your website pages… order high quality backlinks here

3. Optimise Your “Sales Funnel”

From each landing page through to your ‘required action’, your site needs to be focused on steering your visitors through to your desired action.

We design sales funnels that work, increasing profitability. request a website health audit here

The COVID Comeback

If you are serious about restarting your business, protecting jobs and restoring your income, we can help. We have cut our costs to the bone to help UK business owners.

We are not attempting to profiteer, to make money out of other peoples fear, we are instead offering to help rebuild as many businesses as we can afford to for as long as we can……

We wish all business owners good luck during this challenging time and are ready and waiting to help with whatever online marketing assistance you may require.